
Auction for first ever tweet sees bid reach $2.5m

Jesse Williams

By Jesse Williams

Jesse Williams

7 Mar 2021

The first ever tweet will be sold for a sum no lower than a whopping $2.5million. The post made by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey in March 2006 reads, “Just setting up my twttr,”

You may ask, how can you and why would you buy a tweet ? Well, it will be sold as a non-fungible token (NFT) – a unique digital certificate that states who owns a photo, video or other form of online media. Tweets now seem to be the latest intrinsically monetisable digital content. NFTs use the blockchain, the same distributed database technology that underlines Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

The post will still be publicly available on Twitter however. The buyer will receive a certificate, digitally signed and verified by Mr Dorsey, as well as the metadata of the original tweet. 

This comes after Dorsey’s other venture Square announced it would be paying $297 million in cash and stock for a “significant majority” of Jay Z owned Tidal.
