
Disposable Vapes Officially Banned In The UK As Part Of Plan To Tackle Rising Number Of Youth Taking up Vaping

Jesse Williams

By Jesse Williams

Jesse Williams

29 Jan 2024

Disposable Vapes are set to be banned in the UK as part of a plan to tackle the rising number of young people taking up the habit.

The ban which is expected to be introduced across the UK will also see measures introduced to prevent vapes being marketed at children and to target under-age sales, the government said.

Public health charity Action on Smoking and Health (Ash), says figures show an increase in vaping among 11 to 17-year-olds, with 7.6% now vaping regularly or occasionally, compared to just 4.1% in 2020.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for “strong action” saying, “Children shouldn’t be vaping, we don’t want them to get addicted, we still don’t understand the full long-term health impacts,”.

There is confidence the new bill will pass through both chambers, with Health Secretary Victoria Atkins suggesting it could come into force in early 2025. Retailers will be given six months to comply once the timing is confirmed.

The move would see the UK mirror similar actions taken by other countries, including Australia, France, Germany and New Zealand.
