
Elephant Kills 70-Year-Old Woman And Turns Up At Funeral To Stomp On Her Corpse

Jesse Williams

By Jesse Williams

Jesse Williams

13 Jun 2022

An Indian woman has died after an elephant trampled her to death and then returned to stampede on her dead body during her funeral. 

70-year-old, Maya Murmu perished while collecting water from a tubewell in Raipal village on Thursday morning (June 9) after being attacked by the wild animal who strayed from the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary.

Murmu was rushed to hospital, but later succumbed to her injuries, Lopamudra Nayak, an inspector at the Rasgovindpur police station, told Indian outlet The Print.

To add insult to injury the elephant reappeared, clearly having business to finish, trampling on her body again before throwing it away and fleeing.

The family managed to complete the funeral a few hours later.
