
Katie Price Makes The ‘Heart Breaking’ Decision To Put Harvey In Full Time Care

Jesse Williams

By Jesse Williams

Jesse Williams

15 Jan 2021

Katie Price confirmed that she has made the decision to move her disabled son Harvey into full time care at a residential college.

Harvey, 18, the son of Price and former Manchester United striker Dwight Yorke suffers from partial blindness, Prader-Willi syndrome, autism and learning and behavioural difficulties.

Price told newspapers, “It breaks my heart. I don’t want him to think I’m just getting rid of him,”

“This is his chance to live an independent life, learn skills and socialise with people other than me.”

They both spent 6 months visiting suitable colleges and Price has received the support of groups like Sense, a charity that supports people with complex disabilities, who hope the news will help others in similarly difficult situations.
