
Pornhub Plans To Avoid New Age Verification Checks For Adult Sites In January By Claiming To Not See Itself As A Pornography Provider

Jesse Williams

By Jesse Williams

Jesse Williams

2 Dec 2024

The world’s biggest porn website ‘Pornhub’ is looking to avoid imminent age checks across its adult websites in the UK by claiming to not classify themselves as a Pornography provider.

From January 2025 “providers of pornographic content published or displayed on the service” to verify that users are 18.

Ofcom has said it will require pornography providers to implement “highly effective age assurance” from January as part of the first phase of enforcement under the Online Safety Act.

However, the service provider that owns Pornhub, says the site falls under different criteria due to the fact it hosts user-to-user content.

Content on the Pornhub comes from what its users upload and share, as opposed to producing and publishing their own.

Professor Clare McGlynn, a leading legal expert in online safety said: “This news shows more than ever why we need a proactive, determined regulator which prioritises reducing the harms of mainstream pornography.”

Aylo, Pornhub’s parent company, says, “We are monitoring developments and will always ensure our sites are compliant.”
